I hope that everyone had a very merry Christmas. I had a lot of fun
this last week. Unfortunately most of it I can't describe accurately so most of
this e-mail will be pictures and explanations and I can only send 3 pictures at
a time so... sorry.
The story for these first two is that last p-day we went and climbed "lions
rock". It was interesting. In the USA when you hike a mountain it is normally
done by way of switchbacks. in China it is done by stairs. so It was about 600
steps at least to get to the top of this one but the view was amazing! the
clouds were just right so that we could see forever but it was not hot!!!
This next batch is some of the photos form our ward Christmas party. That was
cool because it was a government facility that the ward rented out. So it was
more "Glamping" than camping but it was still a lot of fun and a great activity
for all of our investigators. it was at this activity that I also ripped a pair
of chinos that I found in the apartment. When I say rip I mean RIP like
unfixable rip. However I managed to make sure that no one knew until we got
home that night. That was a lot of fun.
On Christmas day we got to skype home and also have a simple gift
opening thing in our apartment. So I brought out the tree that has been in my
office and we all put our gifts under it. My roommate (Elder Griffiths) is
from the UK and has a bit of Scottish in him and this was a towel that his
parents sent him. I got two gifts that were awesome! This was the fist. I'm not
sure if you can read it but it is a certificate for a stock share that my
parents bought me. 1 share of FERRARI!!! The other was a "called to serve coin"
that my dad sent me. IT was made even better by the fact that my dad took
pictures of all my friends holding it. So that made me tear up a bit.
All of his roommates in their kitchen
Then for the rest of the day my District and I went banner finding.
We sung every Christmas hymn in our book in English then Canto. then in English
again. That was a lot of fun. This Saturday the ward again had an activity. We
hiked another mountain!!! it was ma on shaan. (not sure if that spelling is
right) it was good fun with the members and investigators again. The picture is
me and Derick (a-Laahp) we are good buddies. He is an RM from HK so he is a big
help in lessons. The last one was me on top of the mountain with the Coin I
mentioned before. That is all for this week! I hope every one had a good
Christmas!!! love you all
-Elder Walker
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